The one who started it
Felix Harper is the creater of Hot Beans and the CEO of the company. A once very talanted and sucsessful ex-faang employee he got bored of the tedious work at the faang company and decided to create this website development company to chalange himself and grow his skills as a developer.
The one who keeps it running
Jade Eliot is the CTO of Hot Beans. She is a very talented developer and has a lot of experience in the field. She has worked at many companies and has a lot of experience in the field.
The one who knocks
His name is Walter Hartwell White. He lives at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 87104. A talented chemist who has a lot of experience selling products in the field.
The one who keeps it organized
Ana Singh Kaur is the COO of Hot Beans. She is a very friendly and talented individual when it comes to business. She has a lot of knowlage in the area of software engineering and web development.
Our biggest friend
Yatin Jason Manuel is a briliant networking engineer and is a the CEO of Halvex. He created Halvex with two other people at a young age and has been quite sucsessful in the trade.
Halvex Partner
The one who keeps it funded
Lana Reyes is the CFO of Hot Beans. She makes sure we don't go bankrupt and makes sure we still have work to do at the end of the day. One of our most valued employees.
Netflix senior, husband to beautiful wife and father of four kids
The Primeagen is an early investor to Hot Beans and has been a wonderful partner to work with. Together we can make Hot Beans into a company that goes above and beyond for our clients.
Senior at netflix ,create-t3-app and uploadThing
Theo is a master of frontend development an ex-engineer at and an industry leader creating projects such as and create-t3-app. With his experties backing us and consulting us we know we can provide brilliance
Founder of
Chemist maybe?
Jesse Pinkman is a very secritive investor. All we realy know is that he is supporting the project because Walter Hartwel White is a founder.
Mr. White's Subordanate
Genius, Inovator, and Inventor
Eric Wang is a very skilled developer who has created one of the most powerful tools for developers. Convoy Panel is a tool that allows developers to create and manage their own websites with ease.
Founder of convoypanel
A game theory, thanks for watching
MatPat has retired, however his soul that he painstakenly placed into every peice of content and thing that he creates can never be removed. His legacy stands strong. As a website development company we had the pleasure of working with him to create his online merchendice store.
The Theorist
He is him.
17 year-old. masterclass programmer, single, trained astronaut and knowlageable business man. Also did we mention that he is infact Italian.
The one who developes
Ashton Reece Clark is a masterclass programmer, apointed by the CEO to this position since the very beginning since the company started. Ashton is a dedicated and loyal employee.
Typescript, Javascript, C, Go, Rust, Python
Lead Backend Developer
Quality over quantity
Mark Zanix is a masterclass programmer, graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in Romania with a degree in low-level code optimization and performance. Zanix strives for excellence in everything he does.
Typescript, Javascript, C, Go, Rust, Python
QA Lead
The one who designs
Marija Liubsyte is a musician and designer by trade. She has been working with us since the inseption of the company. She is a rare talent that is unrivaled within the industry in our professional opinion.
CSS, TailwindCSS, C, Typescript, Javascript
Lead Frontend Designer
The one who does it all
Gustavo Fring is a masterclass programmer, He is great at his craft and has a maticulous sence of detail and design..
TypeScript, Javascript, C, Go, Rust, Python, C++, Haskell, Java, C#
Lead Full-Stack Developer
The one who analyses
Shazil Erfan is a excelent data analyst, he works with the data and how people use our websites as a whole and advises the development team and the clients on the best decidions for customer retention.
Python, R, SQL, Javascript, Typescript
Lead Data Analyst
The one who codes
Chris Sean is a frontend developer, he is a wizard when it comes to creating visuals and working with libaries like Nextjs and FramerMotion, or animating in 3D with ReactThreeFiber
CSS, TailwindCSS, Python, Typescript, Javascript
Lead Frontend Developer
The basement dweller
Evan Williams is the senior the cloud computing engineer, he is the one who makes sure that the servers are running and that the websites are up and running.
Python, Rust, Go, C, Bash, Shell, Destiny 2
Lead Cloud Computing Engineer
They are the ones that are learning and developing amazing solutions.
Jr. Frontend Developer
Jr. QA Developer
Jr. Backend Developer
Jr. Data Analyst
Jr. Designer
Jr. Full-Stack Developer
Jr. Frontend Developer
Jr. Data Analyst
Jr. QA Developer
Jr. Full-Stack Developer
Jr. Designer
Jr. Backend Developer
Jr. QA Developer
Jr. Frontend Developer
Jr. Frontend Developer